جامعة مؤتة
الأبحاث والمشاريع المدعومة
اسم المشروعالتاريخالداعمونالمشاركونقيمة الدعم
اسم المشروعالتاريخالداعمونالمشاركونقيمة الدعم
The Counseling Needs amongst the Second and Post- Basic Education Circle Students in the Sultanate of Oman.2012The Research Council (TRC) Omanد.ا.‏ 120,000
Reinforcing the values of citizenship in the sultanate of OmanThe Research Council (TRC) Omanد.ا.‏ 140,000
International Models in Dealing with the Negative BehaviorsArab Center for Research , Kuwaitد.ا.‏ 160,000
Irrational Beiliefs among the extremist and terrorist presoners in Jordan Mutah Universityد.ا.‏ 7,000
The effectiveness of Systematic Desensitization Strategy upon Test Anxiety Reduction, and Enhancement of Adjustment LevelNizwaUniversityد.ا.‏ 2,000
Abuse among students of tenth and twelve classes in light of sense demographic variables in Sultant of OmanInternal central budget (Sultan Qaboos University)د.ا.‏ 6,000
The automatic thoughts and its relationship with neurotic responses, among sample of Nizwa University, in light of sense variables,Internal central budget (Sultan Qaboos University)د.ا.‏ 6,000
The Efficacy of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing in Resolving the Trauma Caused by the Road Accidents in the Sultanate of OmanNizwa Universityد.ا.‏ 9,000
اسم المشروعالتاريخالداعمونالمشاركونقيمة الدعم