جامعة مؤتة
المواد الدراسية
اسم المادةالعام الدراسيوصف المادة
اسم المادةالعام الدراسيوصف المادة
Principles of Plant Protectionالسنة الثانيةAn introduction to the two branches of plant protection; plant diseases and insects, which includes general definitions, classification, diagnosis of agricultural pests and diseases and their geographical distribution and used control methods
Plant Pathologyالسنة الثانيةThe basic principles of the nature of plant diseases and their causes, and the impact of these diseases on field crops, vegetables and fruit trees and the study of disease cycle, diagnosis and occurrence and resistance
Biocontrolالسنة الثالثةEnvironmental aspects for combating pests through the use of natural enemies, and its importance as a cornerstone in sustainable agriculture and integrated pest management, in addition to the identification of natural enemies in Jordan and their target pests and managed crop plant
Weed Scienceالسنة الثالثةDefinition, biology and characterization of weeds, whether parasitic on plants or plant competitors and their methods of spread and negative impacts on agricultural crops
Economic Plant Diseasesالسنة الثالثةThe most important plant diseases that affect field crops and fruit trees in the world as a whole, the Arab world and Jordan in terms of causal agents, symptoms, epidemiology, economic losses and diagnostic and control methods used
Post-harvest Diseasesالسنة الثالثةBiotic and abiotic diseases that affect economic crops during plant commodity transport and storage in terms of etiology, symptoms epidemiology, economic losses and diagnostic and control methods used
Economic Entomologyالسنة الثالثةThe most important insect pests that attack fruit trees and vegetable and field crops. The study of life stages, identification and taxonomy insects harmful to plants, with a focus on economic insects in Jordan, in addition to doing field trips inside and outside the faculty campus
Agricultural Pesticidesالسنة الثالثةVarious chemical methods used to control pests. Pesticide classification into types and groups based on chemical composition, formulation, mode of action and mechanisms, selectivity, toxicity and interactions with the environment, and their safety standards.
Seminar in Protection and IPMالسنة الرابعةPresentations prepared by students discussing recent research and publishing scientific papers and innovative procedures in the aspect of plant protection and integrated pest management (IPM). Developing students' knowledge in preparing and presenting seminars using modern data show tools and communication skills
Beneficial Insectsالسنة الرابعةThe study of insects beneficial for plants, human, and environment in terms of their importance, life cycle, rearing methods, uses and conservation in the agro-ecosystem
F.P. in Plant Protectionالسنة الرابعةField practices (F.P.) in the two branches of plant protection; plant diseases and insect pests. Field identification, classification and diagnosis, geographical distribution and control methods of the most important agricultural pests and diseases in Jordan
Integrated Management of Plant Diseases السنة الرابعةWays to combat various plant diseases and weeds which attack economic crops and methods to monitor and forecast diseases, and management economics and strategies and the importance of weeds as alternative hosts for diseases  and plant-pathogen-environment interactions.
P.F. in Integrated Management of Plant Diseases and Weedsالسنة الرابعةPractical applications in the diagnosis of plant diseases and weeds , and methods to estimate the severity and epidemiology of the disease , and the integration of ways different management in the fight against the disease , herbs , and introduces students to the most important plant diseases and weeds in Jordan , and the application of techniques used in the field, in addition to trips field to farms and stations agricultural research
P.F. in Agricultural Experimentsالسنة الرابعةTraining to conduct agricultural experiments in plant protection and integrated pest management in terms of experimental planning, preparation, implementation, the use of the scientific method in research, the statistical designs and analyses of experiments, and implementation of  laboratory and open field experiments
اسم المادةالعام الدراسيوصف المادة